Let's talk about Ontario's intercity bus system
[Update: Our new post provides some important information about the below discussion.] Here in Waterloo Region, people love to complain about Greyhound buses to Toronto, but few complain about Ont...
[Update: Our new post provides some important information about the below discussion.] Here in Waterloo Region, people love to complain about Greyhound buses to Toronto, but few complain about Ont...
Two articles caught our attention this week that we thought worth sharing. How Design Can Help Build a ‘Transit Culture’ - Eric Jaffe, The Atlantic Cities Increasingly, transit agencies are reali...
What is LRT? Why is it being built? How will it affect the community? When and where can I ride it? ION Light Rail Transit (LRT) is the solution Waterloo Region needs to manage our growth, connect...
TriTAG supports Light Rail Transit for Waterloo Region because it will be the backbone of our entire transit network, and a vital part of our growth as one of Canada’s largest urban areas. This reg...
If you’re interested in talking about Waterloo Region walking, biking, and transit, please join us at our pub night on Monday, February 24 at the Huether Hotel, between 6:30pm and 9:00pm (Facebook ...
Of all the infrastructure and services municipalities provide, transportation is the one thing we notice the most. Utilities like gas, water, and electricity are, with few exceptions, generally con...
Some pretty amazing numbers are shedding light on the future of light rail in Waterloo region. This week, regional staff showed how eagerly Grand River Transit’s service improvements have been emb...
![](/images/7Efuntimes2.gif “”) Load on a 7E bus from UW to King via Columbia In our last post, we advocate that cost savings for GRT can be found through further rationalization of GRT routes ins...
Last night there was a public input session for the Region of Waterloo 2014 budget, following the release of the first budget draft. This is what we presented there on the subject of transit fundin...
Check out this great one page summary on the benefits of protected bike lanes. It speaks for itself. (Hat tip to Transitized for the great infographic!)