Week in review: Nov 5, 2016
Consultations and feedback deadlines CYCLING: Ontario Cycling Strategy funding priorities, comments due Nov 30 REGIONAL BUDGET: public input session Nov 16 at 6pm IRON HORSE TRAIL: Victoria...
Consultations and feedback deadlines CYCLING: Ontario Cycling Strategy funding priorities, comments due Nov 30 REGIONAL BUDGET: public input session Nov 16 at 6pm IRON HORSE TRAIL: Victoria...
ION light rail An update and new round of public consultations for ION stage 2 into Cambridge have been delayed until the new year. Meanwhile, GRT and ION drop the confusing municipal jargon to t...
Regional Budget It’s time for the Region to start preparing next year’s budget again. Assessments are down, which means less natural revenue growth. The projected property tax increase to cover pl...
Consultations and feedback deadlines STATION AREAS: Help Kitchener plan rapid transit station areas around Midtown and Rockway (due Oct 28) IRON HORSE TRAIL: Central section improvements, Vic...
Consultations and feedback deadlines GRAND RIVER TRANSIT: 2017-2021 Business Plan, comments due October 14 MOVING FORWARD: What are your priorities for transportation in Waterloo R...
Consultations and feedback deadlines GRAND RIVER TRANSIT: 2017-2021 Business Plan, comments due October 14 MOVING FORWARD: What are your priorities for transportation in Waterloo ...
Consultations and feedback deadlines NORTHDALE: Streetscape plan, comments due September 26 MOVING FORWARD: What are your priorities for transportation in Waterloo Region? Public ...
Imagine a gate at the end of your driveway that opens only once every 30 minutes. How would that affect you? We tend to think of trips by car in terms of how much time they will take. So it’s natu...
Yesterday, TriTAG member Mark Jackson-Brown shared a picture of the new corner of Queen and Charles: https://twitter.com/Markster3000/status/777613091743866880 If you can’t read the measuring tap...
Consultations and feedback deadlines NORTHDALE: Streetscape plan, comments due September 26 CAMBRIDGE: Transportation Master Plan, public consultation September 21 MOVING FORWARD: What are ...