Week in review: November 26, 2016
Week in review: November 26, 2016
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Consultations and feedback deadlines
- CYCLING: Ontario Cycling Strategy funding priorities, comments due Nov 30
- REGIONAL BUDGET: Engage Waterloo Region budget survey, due Dec 2
- PROVINCIAL BUDGET: Submit and vote on project proposals by December 11
- IRON HORSE TRAIL: Victoria Park area improvements, comments due Nov 30
- GRT:
- UW Transit Station, comments due December 1
- Woolwich route 21 improvements, December 1
- DOWNTOWN: Shape DTK 2020 short and long surveys
- STATION AREAS: Waterloo informal public meeting on Official Plan, December 5
- GTHA: Next Regional Transportation Plan, feedback due Nov 30
- MAPS: Regional cycling map, first edition in need of feedback
- INTENSIFICATION: Development in established Kitchener neighbourhoods
- This week at TriTAG, we raise the alarm about the lack of connection between the mid-block UW ION station and the 202 University iXpress. (Don’t say we didn’t try to warn anyone.) The Record also covers the story, where it seems that the University of Waterloo is obstructing transit access from the south of campus and GRT lacks the courage to challenge them.
- Regional Planning & Works Chair Tom Galloway visited the Bombardier plant in Thunder Bay this week, getting a look at our first light rail vehicle. It looks unlikely that Bombardier will meet its December delivery date (originally in August) for this vehicle.
- Regional Councillors approved new development charges to help pay for transit and waste collection capital costs, opting to exempt downtowns and the townships until the current development charge bylaw expires. (The downtown exemptions may impact the Regional budget, as the shortfalls would have to be made up through property taxes.)
- Uptown King Street readies to reopen on November 30. Meanwhile, plans are being formed for emergency vehicle access and snow clearing of tracks.
- As of Friday, the Regional budget survey shows strong support for transit investment:
Vision Zero
- The Globe and Mail published an excellent editorial, calling for an end to victim-blaming and better streets to protect pedestrians.
- For the third time, Kitchener-Conestoga MPP Michael Harris puts forward a private members bill to recognize roundabouts in the Highway Traffic Act, standardize designs, and provide education to drivers.
- CityLab hails new evidence protected bike lanes save lives.
- WRPS uses a “bait bike” to nab would-be bicycle thieves.
Land use
- The City of Waterloo gears up to update its Official Plan to include new plans for ION station areas. The draft plan is expected to be published online Tuesday.
- Kitchener is selling one of its downtown surface parking lots to developers.
- City Observatory write about the benefits of charging for on-street parking.
- Strong Towns bemoans the focus on parking around commuter transit stations that discourage walking to the train.
- Toronto Mayor John Tory comes out in favour of road tolls on the Gardiner and DVP to pay for infrastructure.
- Minister of Transportation Steven Del Duca will be in Waterloo on Monday to make an announcement regarding autonomous vehicles.
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