
Upcoming events and public consultations

Upcoming events and public consultations

A number of events and opportunities for public feedback are happening over the next week and a bit.

Protected bike lanes for Uptown goes to Regional Council

After being approved last month by City of Waterloo Council, the recommended design for Uptown King Street is now up for approval by Regional Council. In addition to the portion from Erb to Central which the City approved, the Region will also be deciding the design of King from Central to University, and from Erb to the ION tracks and the Spur Line Trail. The recommendation contains more conventional bike lanes for this short stretch from Erb to the Spur Line, but it provides ample buffering to avoid conflicts between bikes and opening car doors.

While it is likely that the recommendation will be endorsed by Regional Council, (the Uptown BIA, Laurier, the City of Waterloo, and many in the community are in support), it appears there are some delegates registered who might object to the design. If you have the time to show up at Council, or send a quick email in support, we’d encourage you to do so.

Date: Tuesday June 16, 2015, 8:45am Location: Council Chambers, Regional Headquarters, 150 Frederick Street, Kitchener

cow station area planningCity of Waterloo ION station area planning open house

The City of Waterloo is developing plans for zoning and infrastructure around ION stops to maximize the potential of rapid transit and develop transit-supportive neighbourhoods. They are hosting a public open house to provide input.

Date: Tuesday June 16, 2015, 5:30-7pm Location: Luther Village (139 Father David Bauer Dr, Waterloo). Great Hall room

Columbia/Lexington EA deadline for comments June 17

The deadline for comments on the proposed design for Columbia and Lexington is June 17.  The preferred alternative includes a multi-use path from Davenport across the highway to Holbeach (where signage will direct people biking  to the Forwell Trail), but would not connect directly with cycling infrastructure on Columbia on the far side of King Street for the foreseeable future.

Travelwise Bike to Work Breakfast

Travelwise is hosting a bike-2-work breakfast here at the Tannery on Wednesday, June 17, from 8:00 AM to 9:30 AM. Roll in on your bike to get free food, free bicycle tune-ups, and demos on how to use the Community Access Bikeshare.

Date: Wednesday June 17, 2015, 8-9:30am Location: Front of the Tannery next to The Firkin

Two cycle track options for Fischer-HallmanFischer Hallman from Bleams to Plains public consultation

The Region is considering changes to Fischer-Hallman in south Kitchener, and are hoping to include new bicycling and walking infrastructure in the design. The area is planned by the City of Kitchener as a future mixed-use corridor. New options being considered are multi-use paths, on-road protected bike lanes with raised curbs, and off-road protected bike lanes.

Date: Wednesday June 17, 2015, 4:30-7:30pm Location: Kitchener Portuguese Club Inc, 1548 Fischer-Hallman Road, Kitchener

Alpine to Hanson/Hayward pedestrian connection public consultation

A pedestrian connection is being proposed to connect the Alpine Village neighbourhood with the Hanson/Hayward industrial area. This connection would provide transit access to organizations such as the Family Centre and Family and Children’s Services, as well as the industrial employers in the area.

Date: Thursday June 18, 2015, 4:30-7pm Location: Activa Sportsplex, Murray Fried Room, 135 Lennox Lewis Way, Kitchener

“25 Ways to Brighten Your Community: Common Sense Steps for a Stronger, Greener, More Connected and Fun Waterloo Region” with Jay Walljasper

The latest ION Community and Transit Talk will be given by award-winning community builder Jay Walljasper, who will share the insights and inspirations he has collected from all over the world that are helping everyday people make a difference in their neighbourhoods by working together to implement community building and place making projects. His presentation will be followed by a short question and answer session.

Date: Thursday June 18, 2015, 7pm Location: Knox Church, 50 Erb St. W., Waterloo

“Make it Happen: A Community Builder’s Workshop” with Jay Walljasper

Passionate community builders interested in shaping the future of Waterloo Region are invited to join Jay for a full-day workshop. In the morning, you’ll connect with other community builders from across Waterloo Region, brainstorm and dream big. Then, in the afternoon, you will roll up your sleeves and find ways to put your community-building aspirations into action to collectively reimagine and reinvent public spaces along the ION corridor and throughout Waterloo Region.

Date: Friday June 19, 2015, 9am-3pm Location: Knox Church, 50 Erb St. W., Waterloo

Public Meeting: Iron Horse Trail Improvement Strategy

Attend the public meeting on the Iron Horse Trail Improvement Strategy to learn more about the proposed improvements. City staff will prepare detailed display boards and provide a summary of the public feedback received.

Date: Tuesday June 23, 2015, 5:30-7:30pm Location: Victoria Park Pavillion, 80 Schneider Avenue, Kitchener

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